Do you have an #sms backup issue on your #Nokia #Lumia? #2Recipients The backup service for the #Nokia #Lumia phones should allow any previous SMS messages you have sent to be...
Migrating / upgrading your #Nokia #WindowsPhone isn’t as simple as it should be. Here some tips #WindowsPhone8 #Lumia My old #Nokia #Lumia 820 has failed on me and I have had to change phones. For the first...
Why you should only buy a #WindowsPhone that has a MicroSD I don’t understand why all phones don’t have a micro SD card. Firstly, they increase the storage on your...
#Nokia #Lumia 820 replacement was easy in the end. I decided to get a #Nokia #Lumia 820… After spending about a week reviewing the #Nokia range of #Lumia phones, I finally decided that a #Lumis 820...