#Infrastructure as #Code – #Cloud is the new way of working and its not going away – #agile #waterfall #infrastructure #aws #azure #servicenow

Its take a little longer than perhaps it should have done, but slowly people are now really wanting to embrace the cloud.  I have read a few articles recently, some forwarded to me from colleagues on how the cloud adoption needs to have a bit of a reality check.  I have to agree with most of what I have read thus far.

Cloud is, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, your applications hosted on someone else’s tin.  It’s that simple.  Now, there are few bits and pieces that come with the cloud infrastructure that you wont get with standard hosting, but mostly its just the same thing somewhere else.  A lot of people see that cloud has magical powers – and it does have some, but not as many as people think.  I will write a short blog on what you get with cloud in the coming days…

What you do get, which adds huge value to a company is flexible infrastructure – the ability to ramp up and ramp down your infrastructure very quickly.

Infrastructure has been, in the heritage sense, something complex, hard and mostly slow.  Buying kit, getting it physically installed, using expert staff to get it up and running, getting it associated to your company network, ensuring that it has all the relevant agents and audit / security requirements installed – and then, once that has occurred, you can then go about installing your applications and actually ‘doing some work’.

The cloud offers a new way of working – and its scary for people who have done infrastructure for many years.  Installing physical kit is gone with cloud, its now done by running scripts – this is a HUGE change.  Where as before, it would need a lead time of many months (in most cases) to spin up a new machine – in the cloud it takes hours, in most cases minutes…  Allowing a company to embrace infrastructure as code allows people to have a high level of control over their infrastructure – making some of the legacy ways of working requiring alterations and adaptation to cope with the new timelines.

Is this easy – absolutely not.  But, infrastructure as code is one of the largest disrupters we have seen for quite some time, and if done correctly, can unlock, a lot of value to companies…

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